Wednesday, June 1, 2011

integers on number line

integers on number line. A NUMBER LINE ADDING LIKE

  • relimw
    Sep 25, 11:22 AM
    Aperture can indeed do watermarks on export.
    Hehe, you beat me to my editing....

    integers on number line. The first line is an integer T
  • The first line is an integer T

  • vendettabass
    Nov 16, 04:33 PM
    Nope. Wouldn't put the store down at 5:30 pm on a Thursday (EST) for maintenance. My money is on either a major failure (unlikely) or a PRODUCT(RED) MacBook.


    Or, come to think of it, Quad Core Mac Pros.

    awe dude now ive gotta stay up and find out! (its 10:30pm UK time!)

    integers on number line. of the number line,
  • of the number line,

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:38 PM
    But if you are poor and out of work, or you have a low skilled job - such as working at McDonalds - you aren't likely to be a good role model.
    Spoken like a true Republican.

    integers on number line. insert number line-word2010-2
  • insert number line-word2010-2

  • MrSmith
    Jan 11, 07:13 PM
    I think the "hilarious" part must have slipped me by. :confused:

    integers on number line. number lines and positive
  • number lines and positive

  • Ygn
    Nov 6, 07:15 PM
    Is it just the zombie packs you get with the hardened edition? I already have all those on W@W, not paying for them again.

    I believe it's just the zombie maps from WaW you get.

    integers on number line. Number line xlt;100
  • Number line xlt;100

  • Avatar74
    Jan 15, 01:57 PM
    Personally, I think the expectations here are bordering on ridiculous. Also, when you have everyone looking to Steve Jobs for religious validation, lining up hours in advance for a freaking keynote speech... you're bound to disappoint yourself.

    Frankly, Apple still has the most impressive portfolio of products, and the innovations announced today still up the bar. It's foolish to expect an iPod or an iPhone scale innovation every year from any company, even Apple.

    And face it... because you and I aren't everyone, they aren't going to please everyone.

    As I figured when it came out, I think the real winner here is AppleTV... there's a reason for that.

    We're on the edge of a technological convergence of entertainment media. Apple appears to be moving slowly away from the concept of removable storage to wireless streaming, and AppleTV is no small part of that.

    Steve Jobs said it would eventually be the 4th leg in their portfolio... And with the rentals model, and the ability to search and purchase movies and music from the interface, along with all its other features, AppleTV is unlocking a door that others are already committing to follow...including Netflix and LG.

    The one problem in picking that lock for Apple has been HD... and they're clearly reading the public sentiment and working on upping the ante with HD and SD viewable content on AppleTV, iPod, iPhone, Mac, PC, etc.

    This is really the future of technology... and one of Apple's big goals... to connect your office, your living room and your mobile existence all together.

    But if you were expecting it all to happen at once... think again. The public is not ready for that, and the R&D costs alone, plus deployment, would be tremendous and if you operate like Microsoft you find yourself spending 7 years to deploy a bigger leap only to find out it's a dud. Apple is smart for taking kiddie steps before they run with it.

    The next kiddie step, I suspect, is multitouch... Granted, I'm sure some were hoping for a full blown multitouch display. I know I was.. but not everyone is ready for that experience just yet. In fact, I'd say a lot of people are't.

    So Apple is introducing it gradually... first Mighty Mouse (yes, this is a capacitance sensing surface), then iPhone, now the multitouch trackpad... sooner or later they're going to have enough public reaction to tell them when the right time to go full-throttle will be.

    That's part of the game, guys, they release a step below the "product to end all products" that you are asking of them so they can figure out what works, what doesnt, and then invest in the improvements. Otherwise, they could go broke pretty damn quickly... and then you're left with nothing to look forward to except the next Toshiba POS laptop or the next iteration of Windows sometime 15 years from now...

    So keep voicing the concerns, but my feeling is... If you want to do more than just vent and actually have your concerns taken as serious criticism and not the ravings of a disappointed fanboy, try voicing them constructively, and at the same time know the old adage... caveat emptor... let the buyer beware. No one puts a gun to your head to buy this stuff. Before you go shelling out for gadgets or getting your expectations up, do some research and lower your expectations.

    I'm just happy that the company that introduced me to computers 30 years ago is still around making great hardware.

    integers on number line. a number line that spans a
  • a number line that spans a

  • jav6454
    Dec 10, 02:45 PM
    ...running at 3.7 ghz, the temps are in the low 80's C. not good. we'll see how it goes

    Yeah, that is not good. Thermal paste perhaps?

    integers on number line. to Use the number line for
  • to Use the number line for

  • xPismo
    Oct 28, 04:58 PM
    Apple will need to open up osX to generic PC's but i can understand they'll want to wait until the Mac growth is stalling. Maybe at about 10% marketshare ?

    Remember the years of the clones? Apple is a whole widget company. They will not suceede by emulating M$ and selling software to other peoples hardware. Ever.

    integers on number line. Using a Numberline to add
  • Using a Numberline to add

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Aug 1, 10:41 AM
    How can a Norwegian law affect Denmark like this?:confused:Gjennom EØS ( :(

    integers on number line. axis to the number line.
  • axis to the number line.

  • Thex1138
    Sep 29, 11:27 PM
    The prototyping lab :rolleyes:

    integers on number line. to use the number line for
  • to use the number line for

  • MacRumors
    Apr 8, 12:38 PM (

    integers on number line. number line horizontal,
  • number line horizontal,

  • Rodimus Prime
    Aug 8, 12:52 PM
    As yet, no hybrids on the market outperform straight diesel engined cars consistently, so the hybrid concept is still very much in its infancy. I have yet to be convinced, especially with the cost and [lack of efficiency] of the battery packs. They may ultimately meet expectations, but they haven't yet.

    You forgot something. You are comparing diesel to unleaded even in hybrid form. You need to compare the generators (unlead to unlead). Now image if those very high gas mileage diesel running as a hybrid.
    The problem with battery right now is we are still working on a break threw. When we finally get a true break threw in battery technology I can see things really taking off.
    Batteries are very efficient at story power. problem is they are a little on the heavy side but we are getting better at it.

    As for the mass rail system. You might be thinking of the east coast. Trying coming to some city west of the Mississippi and you will see how little rail they have and we just do not have any good way to put a rail system in. It is very costly to retrofit those system in and it is a very slow process. Slowly it is happening but really the system that was designed in the past was based around people driving their own personal cars around. That was 40+ years ago that was put in so now it is harder to do put it in now.

    integers on number line. integers Dashed line is
  • integers Dashed line is

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:16 AM
    One possibility that came to mind is that the cashier guy let him get away with it because he intended to pocket the cash himself.

    And he would do that how?

    integers on number line. number lines: all positive
  • number lines: all positive

  • jarednt1
    Sep 8, 12:50 PM
    I'm not refusing to blame the mayor. Him and the governor of Louisiana are complete morons. They're partially to blame for the amount of people who couldn't evacuate before the storm (they made no attempt to help.)

    HOWEVER Bush IS partially to blame for the slow federal response. #1 he elected the FEMA heads, neither of which had any clue how to do their job. #2 all of the needed equipment was in Iraq.

    Unfortunately the real people to blame were the ones who decided to build a city in a bowl next to the ocean. But they're long dead, so thats no fun.

    I've said this many times, EVERYONE ********* up a little (or a lot) during this tragedy.

    Thank You, its nice to know there are some people that are sane. As I say there is plenty of blame to go around.

    integers on number line. number line.
  • number line.

  • Koodauw
    Sep 12, 01:01 AM
    That phone looks amazing. Wish I could have one.

    integers on number line. on the real number line.
  • on the real number line.

  • hamlin
    Nov 8, 03:11 PM
    I pre-ordered it for PS3 from ebgames. I'll pick it up after work tomorrow.

    The best was COD 4: MW. That set the bar for COD games.

    integers on number line. number line, integers,
  • number line, integers,

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:18 AM
    I found that page last week but didn't think much of it...... :)

    Ergh, that page has been like that for about 2 years or more. So has

    Nothing to see, move along.

    I hate threads like this, just constantly answering the same questions over and over because people won't read the thread.

    integers on number line. Line Numbers included in PDF.
  • Line Numbers included in PDF.

  • Mac_Freak
    Sep 7, 10:14 PM
    I've never heard myself say "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?" either, and yet I still like Kanye West. And you can't assume peoples musical tastes just because of their job or race. Computer people and reporters could have enjoyed the music as well. You can't say that they didn't with any certainty. I enjoy all sorts of music, and I'm sure many other people do as well.

    No, I downloaded it from somewhere else.

    *wink wink, nudge nudge*

    Actually, Profilers can say a lot about you just by looking where you work and what you do.
    Let me clarify that a bit more, as I have failed to do that before.
    Keynote is not a place for such lyrics/word to spoken/said by any one. THis is a place where people are serious about what they are doing and what is going on. After watching the whole keynote and then at the to see Kanye West was a big change in the whole mood in the room. Just take a look at the audience that was there, they all where stuned.

    P.S. my ost about Kanye West is bais, and is because i don't like hiphop/rap. Not because of artisits but because of the lyrics and that whole "gangster" attitude.

    integers on number line. a number in a number line.
  • a number in a number line.

  • err404
    May 2, 11:36 AM
    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out.
    Apple has been open about collecting location data. However that does does not come from consolidated.db. The database that everyone is talking about is data sent FROM Apple TO your phone. Why would Apple collect the data that they sent to you?

    The issue is that if your phone is compromised by a third party, this DB could be used to infer information about your location (you location is not directly stored in the DB). The changes being made reduce this risk by shortening the cache and encrypting the data.

    Jul 21, 05:10 PM
    LOL! Yeah it might drop a few bars but it doesnt show no service like the iP4.

    The iP4 drops calls and shows no service thats the issue not how many bars it drops.

    makes me laugh that Apple are doing everything they can to divert everyones attention away from the REAL ISSUE - HARDWARE DESIGN FAILURE.

    And Apple know that everyone will get bored posting soon on this issue and therefore it will really become an non issue.

    Apple aint gonna do sht about this.

    May 2, 01:09 PM
    I read somewhere that congress wants to know why NSA has a security expert over at Apple...
    NSA does not have a security expert at Apple. Apple has a security expert who used to be with the NSA. Big difference.

    Apr 21, 10:39 AM
    I was just about to ask what the heck these arrows are. This has been requested many times though, so lets see how it works.

    May 2, 12:31 PM
    The whole thing was blown out of proportion, they had no choice but do somthing thing...

    Well I'm sure Steve Jobs could trot out the explanations given here and point out it is nothing right?

    Email him the argument that this is nothing and blown all out of proportion. He might have a news conference.

    I hate this because it feels like I am ridiculing Steve Jobs like the trolls that come on here. I am not. The world simply isn't black and white. And that is more the case with corporations than individuals.

    Apr 13, 11:17 AM
    There are already armed marshall on many flights in the US. WHen was the last time we had a shoot out in the sky? :rolleyes:

    His point was remove the TSA security check and only have only armed air marshals. Bringing a gun to a bomb fight is like bringing a knife to a gun fight.

    My point was that the TSA security does provide a buffer to keep terrorists from boarding a plane packed with explosives where an armed masrhal is going to be useless.

    The world we once knew no longer exists, time to get used to it.

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